Search Results: "marcot"

5 February 2010

Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva: Using sup-mail

Some time ago I wanted some features that evolution wouldn t give to me, such as a good user experience without using the mouse, and the possibility to use an external editor for writing e-mails. I always liked gmail web interface, but I don t like using software that I can t change or see the code, so I wanted threaded view, but I was not with a very high expectative of finding it, since I ve never seen it anywhere else. I tried icedove, sylpheed, claws and mutt, but none of them was good enough for me. I couldn t use very well icedove, sylpheed and claws only with the keyboard, and mutt wouldn t show me a list of folders with how many unread messages there was in each of them. mutt-patched tries to do this, but the number of messages aren t updated automatically. So I kept with evolution. At that time, I even tried evolution from experimental, which contained a plugin to use an external editor. The result was that I got even more crashes, and the external editor was not very nice. I gave up about it when I had to remove totem because of broken dependencies with the evolution from experimental. Some days ago Rafael (Pre ) Cunha de Almeida told me that he heard of this sup, and tried using it, but didn t like very much, because it was not good for accessing the mail from two different machines. As I use only my notebook most of the time, I decided to try it out. And i m liking it: it s mostly like gmail, but with a very good feature I don t remember seeing in gmail: you can kill a thread, and even if more mail arrives from that thread, it ll not be shown in your inbox. Other thing I liked about it is that it s highly customizable in Ruby, which made me feel a little bit like in XMonad. The first problem I found on it was the handling of UTF-8. I found this bug about it, and installed the recommended package, so it worked. I hope this correction, or the better one suggested here, get to Debian. I took a look at the Hooks page on the sup wiki, and used the fetchmail suggestion. I noticed that the code that was there in the time didn t worked here (maybe a bashism?):
fetchmail >& /dev/null
So I replaced it in the wiki with:
fetchmail 2>&1 > /dev/null
which worked here. I wanted to create a new binding, to kill the thread, kill the buffer, and move to the next message in thread-view-mode, so I tried some possibilities without success, until I got to this, with the help of
class Redwood::ThreadViewMode
@@keymaps[self].add :kill_and_next,
"Kill this thread, kill buffer, and view next", '&'
def kill_and_next; kill_and_then :next end
def kill_and_then op
dispatch op do
multi_kill [@thread]
# From lib/modes/thread-index-mode.rb
## m-m-m-m-MULTI-KILL
def multi_kill threads
UndoManager.register killing # threads.size.pluralize thread do
threads.each do t
t.remove_label :killed
add_or_unhide t.first
Index.save_thread t
end threads.each do t
t.apply_label :killed
# hide_thread t
end regen_text
BufferManager.flash # threads.size.pluralize thread killed.
threads.each t Index.save_thread t
end This is the content of the file ~/.sup/hooks/startup.rb. I copied a function from the source code of sup, commenting one line that was relative to that context.

2 February 2010

Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva: Hi Debian Planet!

Hi Debian Planet! Finally I became a Debian Developer on saturday. Some time after that I sent my first e-mail, and today I uploaded my first package: haskell-qio, a sponsored upload for Iain Lane. I d like to thanks everyone that have helped me in the process:
  • Joachim Breitner: for being my sponsor, telling me to look into NM, advocating me in NM and DM, helping me with packaging and other things.
  • Gustavo Noronha: for advocating me in DM, helping me with packaging and agreeing that packaging is not an easy to learn task.
  • Enrico Zini: for being a very nice to work with and helpful AM.
  • Marcelo Vieira: for the chats about the process, which made it pass faster.
  • Ian Costa de Andrade: for not complaining too much about me spending the whole day in the computer, and for all support and encouragement.
  • Marina Gontijo Andrade: for existing.
  • Wagner Meira and Fernando Pereira: for allowing me to work on Debian and giving me a scholarship for it.
  • Thadeu Cascardo and Samuel Vale: for giving me a Debian-related job which made me study about the system.
I m absolutely sure I m forgetting about someone, but I m also sure I ll never remember everyone and I ll always have this sensation. Being a Debian Developer is something I wanted for a long time, and I m very happy to have made it now. Currently I m working mostly in the Debian Haskell Group. These days I m checking if it s possible to make ghci be built in all architectures, and trying to make the newer versions of ghc6, from sid (6.10.4-1) and experimental (6.12.1-4), build in ia64, hurd-i386 and m68k. Any help is welcome. By the way, while I was reading the instructions to migrate some things to the new account, I ve not paid very much attention that I should only change the submitter of the unarchived e-mail, and I made a script, which I posted on the wiki, to change it for all the bugs. Neil Williams commented that this was not necessary, and Sandro Tosi pointed that I could have done this using only one mail to do all commands. Yves-Alexis Perez said that even with the unarchived bug this may not be a good idea, because of the generated noise. So I update the script in the wiki, following these tips, thanks for them. Special thanks for Jimmy Klapowitz, who was nice and supportive in a moment people were not being very nice to me. Sorry for the maintainers that received a lot of e-mails because of this, specially to the people who sign the pkg-haskell-maintainers mailling list, which received the biggest ammount of mail.

31 January 2010

Debian News: New Debian Developers (January 2010)

The following developers got their Debian accounts in the last month: Congratulations!

